Sunday, April 22, 2012

On contact with the people ' elonavtami '

The most famous of them, and studied deeply enough - this is the case with spouses Hill, which was widely covered in the UFO literature of Western.

In our country, it was described in the newspapers ' Young Estonia ' (1968. 4 February) and ' working Donetsk (1968. February 13). Here is his summary of the.

On the night of 20 September 1961. Varney and his wife Betty Hill, who were traveling in his car in the State of New Hampshire, noted that they pursued a strange flying object in the form of sticks with two rows of windows and powerful searchlights. Then they heard a strange noise ' BIB - BIB ', and what happened, they did not remember. They woke up in a moving car just two hours later and went on.

On his arrival home they started torturing nightmare, and they were forced to turn to doctors. They did not tell anyone about what happened, but their health deteriorated, and two years later, they turned to a famous psychiatrist Simon, who decided to treat their regressive hypnosis. And then there was the most surprising.

In a hypnotic state, each spouse separately with exceptional detail said that after the sounds of ' BIB - BIB ' engine of their car stalled. UFO landed near the car and got out of the six unknown creatures similar to humans, and dressed in black suits and pointed helmets.

These creatures are brought into the Hill UFO and placed in a different room where they were subjected to a variety of medical research: conducted on the body bundles of needles, injections, skin scraped and m. Dr.. And Betty said they showed her star chart, which had suffered 75 glittering stars and interstellar travel routes. Then they allegedly were ordered to forget everything that happened. They were awakened in his car a new series of signals ' BIB - BIB '.

Of course, Hill then no one believed. Although all attempts to catch them in a hoax by repeated cross-examination were not successful.

Simon claimed that they were telling the truth, as to simulate a large psevdogipnoz specialists is almost impossible.

In 1964,. within a few sessions of hypnosis regression Betty was able to regain his memory card to show her a star, and she was placed in newspapers.

In 1969,. astronomer Marjorie Fish Steel reality check of the map, based on the fact that it can be shown that the form of stars with planets where aliens landed. To this end, she created a three-dimensional model of the location of all stars within 33 light-years away, and found that the relative position of such stars might be only in one case, if it is made from a planet located near the star Zeta Reticuli, part of the constellation of grids, .

Follow-up audit, carried out by the computer at the Center for UFO Research, headed by Professor A.. Heineken, fully confirmed the correctness of the calculations Fish.

After that, Hynek and several other American scientists have concluded that the incident with Hill could not be a hoax, especially since the parallax of several stars, marked on the map of Hill, became known to astronomers until five years after the publication of maps.

An indirect confirmation of the fact that this story could take place, and were declassified in 1970. U.S. Air Force data, according to which the September 20, 1961 Mr.. on the radar screens of Pease AFB in New Hampshire have been fixed landing and takeoff of an unknown object in the scene with the Hill.

Much attention is the U.S. press was also drawn to an incident in October 1973. in the town of Pascagoula ( Mississippi ), with two working shipyard, which built nuclear-powered submarines. It looked as follows.

During the fishing two workers, Hickson and Parker saw approaching him a strange egg-shaped object, lit by blue light, and made a buzzing sound. The object was the size of about 5 x 2.5 m. He dropped to a height of 1 m and was flying over the water, and then hovered at 13 meters from the pier, where workers were.

At the end of the object the door opened and out, as it were ' floated ' three strange creatures with heads located directly on the body ( no neck ), and hands like paws with ticks. They were big elephantine legs without feet, which did not move, but remained always pressed to each other. The creatures had strange similarity pointed noses and ears, and mouths to feed instead - fixed slit. Eyes they were not, and the skin was wrinkled. They were gray fitting clothing (silt. 86 ).

Being, as it were gliding through the air, close to the workers, who are very frightened, and even Parker lost consciousness. Two beings caught Hickson under the arms, lifted into the air and as it sailed with him in the object. At the same Hickson felt that some force is completely paralyzed his will, he could not move any part of the body, although clearly perceive what is happening.

Inside the object was not visible neither seats nor any equipment, but it was very light. Hickson said that he seems to be ' floating ' out there in a state of weightlessness. The aliens gave him the horizontal position of the stomach down, and then moved out of the wall an unusual device the size of a basketball -like eyes, and hovered over Hickson.

This unit began to move backwards and forwards along the body Hickson, apparently examining it carefully. Then the aliens turned Hixon face up and gave it a 45 ` angle, and the unit continued to investigate.

During the test, Hixon tried to talk to these creatures, but they did not pay attention to him. He had heard only, as they occasionally make sounds similar to the buzz of a buzzer.

Then the aliens seem to be photographed, and Hickson left him alone, and came back and led him out of the facility and taken back to the pier. There already was Parker, who, apparently, was dragged to an object in an unconscious state, and also subjected to inspection. Also, gliding through the air, the aliens have returned to its object, and then he took off. Total stays inside the ship was working 20-40 minutes.

When Hickson and Parker told the story at the police station, they are at the beginning, of course, nobody believed it, even though they looked exhausted and crying with excitement, and Parker on the first night, double fell into a state of shock. After cross-examination at the police station they were sent for medical examination at the hospital airbase Kiesler, after which the chief doctor said that Hickson and Parker really experienced very strong shaking, and he is confident that they will not lie and do not seek popularity.

Personal participation in the investigation of this case was Professor Hynek and Harder, who was subjected to Hickson and Parker hypnosis and examined using a lie detector. There is no evidence that workers have invented this story, could not be obtained. After that they have for some time had severe headaches and nightmares.

The investigation also found that three other witnesses who were traveling by car, and the owner of a gas station is also seen at this time flying in the vicinity of Pascagoula an unusual luminous object.

At a press conference on the occasion, Professor Hynek said: ... I have no doubt that these two men have experienced some kind of horror, and they are absolutely honest people. They held a fantastic experiment, and it was actually. Act out a feeling of terror can not be hypnotized ...

The following case is described in detail in U.S. ' UFO Encyclopedia '. It occurred in August 1975. about air base Hollmen ( New Mexico ) with the Air Force Sergeant Charles Moody and was accompanied by a temporary loss of memory in eyewitness.

When Moody went to the car at night in the desert, suddenly appeared before him a disc-shaped object with a diameter of about 15 m and a height of 6 m from the three areas on the bottom. Frightened by Moody jumped in his car and tried to start it, but the engine did not work. A UFO approached the car and stopped at 15 m from. Moody then heard a high voice, and the object appeared illuminated rectangle, which were seen some vague figures. Then the car was surrounded by a strange glow, and Moody felt that the unconscious. Then that feeling disappeared, and he saw that he was sitting in the car and looking at taking off the object, which instantly disappeared. Then Moody started the car and drove home, where he realized that between the appearance and disappearance of UFOs was 1 hour 20 minutes.

In the following days, Moody tried his best to remember what happened to him during this time, and gradually returned to him the memory.

Moody said: ' When the car was surrounded by a radiance to her, slipping, approached two creatures from UFOs. They put their hands on the car door, as if to open it. Although I was scared to death, I with all my strength opened the door, which knocked one of the creatures. I got out of the car and punched in the face of another creature, after which it fell, and the light in my eyes grew dim.

When he awoke, I saw that I was lying on a solid table, and the strange creature I was studying. The skull was in the third more human, and there was no hair, no eyebrows. Her eyes were round, and look very sharp. Ears, nose and mouth were smaller than humans, and the lips are very thin. The creature was increasing 1.5 mi looked very fragile. He was wearing a tight-fitting white suit.

Then the creature asked me in perfect English language, without moving his lips, well I feel and if I fight? . Then this creature has helped me to get off the table.

I was in a round clean environment, similar to the operating room, where there were three doors rakovinoobraznye.

Wanting to learn how to fly this ship, I asked to see his motor skills. To my surprise, had been agreed and we went to another room, which was as large as the entire ship. The impression was that he was more inside than outside.

In the second room there were three beings, and could see the flat panel with levers, and two chairs in front of it for the crew. Then we went down into the room, it was under. It issued from the floor of the upper part of the transparent areas that I have seen under the bottom of the vessel. Inside they could see the large crystals, which were on each side of the rod.

When I asked him to explain how this engine, I was answered: ' Do not try to understand. If you think a little, it will be able to invent and your people '. Then I was told that it was a patrol boat, which arrived from the main ship, which is much larger in size and is now in space. Then it was said that initially they had planned only limited contact with humanity in order to further study. At the same time the aliens are afraid for their lives, because their ship could be destroyed by nuclear missiles.

Then, this being hugged me and said that it will never hurt me, and I briefly lost his memory, and then I got dark again in the eyes. And then I got in my car and looked at the departing ship '.

The next day, Moody felt a burning sensation at the base of the spine, and his wife discovered the strange square wound, and after a few days on his body red spots appeared, he began to go bald, and began frequent headaches.

Moody was thoroughly tested on the polygraph, and his mental stability was tested by the Air Force psychiatrist, who found no abnormalities.

Chiefs Moody described him as an exceptionally honest man. Moody himself for several months hiding this story, reporters, and only managed to talk his.

But that reported by Polish newspapers and magazines in 1978. As well as our ' Building newspaper ' (1988. 6 August).

In May, 1978. 71- year-old farmer Jan Wolski from the village Emilchin Lublin region met in the woods two men like creatures no taller than 1.5 m, dressed in black suits. They had slanted eyes and black teeth, and the skin on their faces and hands of the green.

Strangers talk to each other very quickly in an incomprehensible language. They sat on the cart Volsky, and then motioned to him to stop hanging around at a height of 2-3 m above ground rectangular object of unknown size 3 x 5 m and a height of 2 -, 5 m. On its surface was not visible any seams or rivets, and the projections of the four sides protruding helical rods of length 1 - 1.5 m, reminiscent of the rotary grinder. These rods were rotated at high speed, emitting a quiet buzz.

Then the sheet metal on the object curled into a roll and opened the door, from which descended a ladder. Strangers gestures made ​​Volsky enter into an object, where the two crew members who had eaten something resembling spaghetti. They suggested that Volsky, but he refused. The walls inside the facility were smooth and black. At the top was like a lantern, and on the floor, benches and a few dozen birds still.

The aliens were ordered to undress and Volsky turned it on all sides, surveying, or photographing it with the help of a device, similar to the two plates. When they hit them one against the other. After that Volsky was allowed to leave.

Returning home, he told the mother about everything, but when the people came running into the clearing, where the curious story took place, the object was no longer. On the grass leaving only footprints and fingerprints of small feet on the wet ground.

The villagers heard the roar of a UFO taking off, and saw a boy of six overflying object resembling a bus.

Medical and psychological research Wolski showed that there was no reason to ascribe to him a hallucination, and invent a story of a semi-literate farmer simply could not have, the more that he did not have books, he did not read the newspapers before the case had not the slightest .

Exhausted by the endless interrogations of journalists and researchers, Volsky wrote to his priest a letter in which he swore the name of God that all this really happened to him.

Polish ufologist SW. Blanc ( Bolnar ), studied in detail the incident, said that they did not find the slightest clue that would allow to question the veracity of the testimony of Wolski.

Even more amazing story associated with the presence of man in a UFO, in detail, 12 pages, is described in the published book, we have T. Hoefling ' All the miracles in one book '.

It occurred in October 1957. in Brazil with a young farmer Vilas Boas, whose three small unknown force being dragged into egg-shaped UFO landed on him and did a series of experiments, after which he was forced to enter into an intimate relationship with a strange attractive woman.

But perhaps the fantastic adventures of Vilas Boas were a figment of his imagination? . Who lives in Rio de Zheneyro Dr. Buechler said: ... '.

And in the case presented below, as described in U.S. ' Encyclopedia of UFOs ' UFO crew members applied with respect to the trapped people of cruel, violent.

In January, 1976. three residents of Liberty City ( Kentucky ), Louise Smith, 44, Mona Stafford, 30 years and Elaine Thomas, aged 48, returned to the car of the guests. Suddenly they saw around Stanford a disc-shaped UFO with a luminous dome in the middle part of which was a series of rotating red lights. From the bottom left blue ray object, then the object was a car and shone a beam of this. All three women felt a burning sensation in the eyes and a sharp headache, and then felt that some force pulls their car back, and lost consciousness. When they came to their senses, it appears that they drove up to Hyustonvillu and after meeting with the UFO was invisible to them 1 hour 25 minutes. On their faces and hands, they felt a painful burning. Later, under hypnosis, each of them separately told me that they were subjected to some kind of forced medical examination that has caused them pain.

Louise Smith said that she was placed in a dark room, and covered their faces with something. She asked me to open her eyes, but when it was done, she saw something terrible. Under hypnosis, she kept repeating: ' I'm so weak, I want to die '.

Mona Stafford remembered that it was in the room, similar to the operating room, and sat around the 3.4 figure in white gowns and surgical masks. She felt that she was paralyzed and saw her watching a great 'eye'. She had the impression that her right arm is attached to something, and the fingers of his left hand squeezed her something. Also, turn down her left leg back so that she felt pain in the ankle and foot. Her belly swelled like an air balloon in the eyes felt a sharp pain. ' I can not! '.

- She cried under hypnosis. For a time, Mona Stafford had a feeling that it is outside your body. Then she was transported kakbudto a long tunnel. After the session she was crying and moaning.

Elaine Thomas recalled that it was put on the table in a dark room, and behind it, too, have seen the growth of humanoids about 1.2 m. On the left side of her chest was the subject of the size of a bullet, and she felt pain in this location. Around her neck was something like a bus, and when she tried to speak or think the bus was delayed, and there is a feeling of shock. She decided that on her conduct an experiment to study the psyche of its. Talking about it under hypnosis, Elaine Thomas gasped and cried out: ' They will not let me breathe! '.

All women tested as a lie detector and each given the opportunity to be present during hypnosis, the other two re-.

After the incident described in all women remained in the neck on a red spot, like a burn. The fact that reproduced in the separate regression hypnosis experiences of three women over the same period were very similar (and, incidentally, represent them in an unfavorable light for them ), eliminates the possibility of prior agreement, and increases the reliability of the.

The investigation of this case from the police and the doctors there was the belief that women are really convinced of the experiences.

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